Friday, October 24, 2008

John McCain's hypocriticism

Hello everyone,
This is my first blog, so I ask that you bear with me. I would like to take this time out to discuss the way John McCain and Sarah Palin (please do not get me started on her) continue to talk of Barack Obama's association with Bill Ayers.

First off, Bill Ayers is a well-respected professor now-a-days. He is also an anti-war avicist.

When Bill Ayers co-founded Weather Undeground, Barack Obama was around 8 years old. Weather Undeground conducted bombings of public buildings during the 1970's. When Barack Obama "launched his career in Bill Ayers living room" in 1995, Bill Ayers was a respected professor at the University of Illinois.

The John McCain campaign must stop the ridiculous allegations for many reasons, after all Barack Obama has spoke angainst the violent actions that Bill Ayers and others conducted back in the 1970's. Connectiong Barack Obama to the actions of Bill Ayers nearly 40 years ago is just simply a desperate attack by the sagging campaign of John McCain, thats what it comes off as anyway.

Now you may be thinking, "This has nothing to do with hypocriticism on the Part of senator John McCain. Alas, have you ever heard the name Gordon Liddy? I didn't think so. Let me take this time to remind you Bill Ayers was never convicted of anything. Gordon Liddy spent over 4 years in jail.

Who is Gordon Liddy? Well lets start with the basics, Gordon Liddy refers to John McCain as "an old friend". John McCain told David Letterman that he is not ashamed of his friendship with Gordon Liddy.

Is that so Mr. McCain? Well if thats true you won't mind me pointing out a few things about Gordon Liddy . First off, Gordon Liddy had a prominent role in watergate, he was convicted of conspiracy, burglary and illegal wiretapping. Like I said before, Liddy spent 4.5 years in jail for this (mind you Bill Ayers did not go to jail for anything).A federal appeals court found Liddy liable for $20,499 in back taxes on Watergate slush-fund money, rejecting his claim that his benefits did not exceed $45,000. As one of the White House "plumbers," Liddy spent about $300,000 engineering political dirty tricks and the Watergate break-in. In 1998, Liddy hosted a fund-raiser at his house for John McCain's campaign in which people could take pictures with Liddy and McCain.

Ouch. But wait, that's not all Gordon Liddy has made many contributions to the Arizona senators campaigns that add up to around $5,000, including $1,000 in 2008. Wow. Clearly John McCain and Gordon Liddy have a very nice relationship, agreed?

We're not done here, around 1981 Gordon Liddy published and auto-biography titled Will. It sold over a million copies. In this book, he states that he made plans to kill journalist Jack Anderson based on an all too literal interpretation of a Nixon White house statement. "We need to get rid of this Anderson guy".

Oh jeez, this isn't good now is it? Gordon Liddy has made many controversial statements via his radio show, one of them being:"Now if the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms comes to disarm you and they are bearing arms, resist them with arms. Go for a head shot; they're going to be wearing bulletproof vests. ... Kill the sons of bitches." Liddy is advising his listeners to shoot and kill people looking to take away there firearms. Mind you John McCain is "not ashamed" of his friendship with this dude.

I'd like to thank you all for reading and if this blog goes well, I will do many more.

Teddy Chassin